Available Email Options

SliQ Invoicing supports a number of options for sending email. The option you choose depends on which email software you have on your PC and whether you want to be able to bulk email invoices, statements etc. to your customers.

Options for sending emails in SliQ Invoicing

SliQ Invoicing can send emails using either your default email client, Outlook (Desktop/ installed version), Outlook.com (Cloud/ Online version), SMTP or Gmail.

To choose the method SliQ uses do the following:-

1. Choose the Setup/ Email tab

2. Press the Email Sending Options button

The Email option dialog will show as below.

Email Options Dialog

3. Choose the required email option

Fill in any fields required for the selected option, e.g. if you choose the SMTP option, enter the mail server, port and email address for customers to reply to.

4. Press the Close button to save your changes

Email using the default email client

By default, SliQ Invoicing emails items (invoices, quotes, reports and so on) using your default email client. This will be a program like Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird (a free email client available from https://www.thunderbird.net/.

Note: SliQ's Gmail option is an easy way to email invoices if you don't want to install a desktop email program on your PC.

When you click one of the Email buttons in SliQ, your email program will open with a default email body and your item, e.g. an invoice, attached as a PDF. All you need to do then is press the Send button.

If you are sending emails via your default email client, SliQ is unable to builk email items, e.g. it cannot email ALL your unsent invoices in one go. To allow SliQ to email multiple items in one go, you need to choose the Gmail or SMTP email options.

See also

Email using Outlook

On some PCs, SliQ may be unable to send email using the default email client. This isn't a problem with SliQ but a consequence of the way Windows is configured on the PC. However, if you want to use Microsoft Outlook to send emails from SliQ, you can choose the Send using Microsoft Outlook option in SliQ's email dialog. 

When you click one of the Email buttons in SliQ, SliQ will open Microsoft Outlook (if it is installed on your PC).

If you are sending emails via Outlook, SliQ is unable to builk email items, e.g. it cannot email ALL your unsent invoices in one go. To allow SliQ to email multiple items in one go, you need to choose the Gmail or SMTP email options.

See also

Email using Outlook (Cloud/ Online)

SliQ can also send emails if you are using the cloud Outlook.com email client, e.g. with a Hotmail.com or Outlook.com email address.

To send emails via this method, choose the Send using SMTP option in the Pick Email Sending Option dropdown. In the fields that then appear, enter:

  • From Email Address: Your email address, e.g. fred@outlook.com
  • SMTP Server Address: smtp.office365.com
  • SMTP Port: 587
  • Use SSL: Check the box
  • SMTP Server Username: Your email address. This is usually the same value as the From Email Address value above
  • SMTP Server Password: The password you use to log in to Outlook.com

Whenever you send an email via SliQ Invoicing, e.g. email an invoice, the email will then appear in the Sent folder in outlook.com

Emailing using SMTP

If you choose this email option, SliQ will send items directly using the SMTP email method, bypassing your email client, e.g. bypassing Microsoft Outlook.

One of the main advantages of selecting the SMTP option is that SliQ can email multiple items in one go, e.g. if a set of recurring invoices are being raised, SliQ can email them all automatically.

Note: SliQ's Gmail option is easier to configure than SMTP if you want to be able to bulk email items.

If you choose the SMTP option, you will also need to fill in 5 fields in the Email Options dialog.

Field Description Comment
SMTP Server Address Your SMTP server address. If you have a website, the SMTP server address will probably be in the form:


where domain is your website domain name.
You can leave this field blank if you don't have access to an SMTP server and SliQ will still send emails using SMTP. However, if the server field is blank, there is an increased chance of your emails getting flagged as spam by your customer's email program.

If the server field is blank, SliQ will need to send a separate email to each recipient, i.e. if you add two email addresses in the cc field of the email template, SliQ will need to send 3 emails - one to the To address and one to each of the two cc email addresses. If you specify a SMTP server address, SliQ can send to all 3 emails addresses in one operation, saving time.
SMTP Port Your SMTP port. In most cases this field can be left as the default value of 25.  
From Email Address The email address you want people to respond to when replying to your emails.  
SMTP Server Username This is your email address/ login for the SMTP server. In most cases this will be the same as your From Email Address. Normally the server user name and password are your email address and email password. For example, if you had a domain called:


and you used email address myname@mydomain.com and had successfully set up an account in Outlook with this email address and its password, you would use the same email address and password for the SMTP Server Username and Password in SliQ.
SMTP Server Password The password for your SMTP server.

In most cases this will be the password for your email account.

See also

Email using Gmail

If you choose this email option, SliQ will send items directly using Gmail. Any emails sent will appear in the Sent folder in Gmail.

If Gmail is selected, SliQ can email multiple items in one go, e.g. if a set of recurring invoices are being raised, SliQ can email them all automatically.

Note: If Gmail is selected, SliQ asks for a "from" email address to be entered. When SliQ emails via Gmail, the "from" email address will be set as the Reply To email.

When you first send an email in SliQ, e.g. email an invoice, Google/ Gmail will ask for you to authorise SliQ to send emails on your behalf. To carry out the authorisation your web browser will launch. Please follow the instructions to complete the authorisation.

See also

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